TCCA to host online MCX event

TCCA has announced the next webinar in its Critical Updates series, titled ‘Making sense of MCX deployments’.

Discussing the online event, a spokesperson for the organisation said: “Interoperability and MCX harmonisation are critical challenges for the successful deployment and operation of broadband mission critical communications, which present a new way of thinking IT for PPDR.

“This webinar will take attendees through the overall architecture of MCX and discuss how it can be deployed, and what benefits the various deployment options bring. It will touch upon interface possibilities between LMR and MCX, [both] standards-based and gateway-based.”

MCX is the collective term for mission critical push-to-talk, mission data and mission critical video.

Presenters will include Gérard Carmona from the French Ministère De L’Intérieur; Motorola Solutions industry relations director Tim Clark; the Danish National Police’s Henrik Fredskild; and Ari Toivonen, development manager, Erillisverkot. TCCA will be represented on the panel by vice chair and director, Jeppe Jepsen.

‘Making sense of MCX deployments’ takes place on May 4th.

Editorial contact

Philip Mason
Editor, Critical Communications Today
Tel: +44 (0)20 3874 9216